PennDOT District 11 is announcing lane restrictions on Route 51 (Clairton Boulevard) in West Mifflin, Baldwin, Pleasant Hills, and Jefferson Hills borough, Allegheny County will begin Wednesday, January 29 weather permitting.

Single-lane and shoulder restrictions will occur as needed on Route 51 in both directions between Coal Valley Road and Lebanon Church Road daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. through late February.  Crews from Lindy Paving will conduct inlet inspections on this mobile operation.

This $19.85 million roadway project on Clairton Boulevard includes milling and resurfacing, concrete replacement, bridge preservation work on three structures (two structures over Lewis Run and one structure over Lebanon Church Road), drainage work, guide rail improvements, ADA curb ramp updates, PRT bus stop improvements, signing and pavement marking installation, and other miscellaneous construction activities. Also included is an adaptive traffic signal project that will provide upgrades to 24 intersections, including full signal replacement at nine intersections, from Peters Creek Road in Jefferson Hills Borough to Stewart Avenue in the City of Pittsburgh. Up to one-mile-long single-lane restrictions will occur in each direction limiting left-turn movements except for at signalized intersections. Detours for the left-turn movements will be posted. The project is anticipated to conclude in late 2026.

To help keep motorists informed, PennDOT has created an email distribution list for Route 51 traffic advisories and construction updates. Enroll by sending email addresses to Please write “Subscribe – Route 51” in the subject line.

Motorists can check conditions on major roadways by visiting 511PA, which is free and available 24 hours a day, provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to more than 1,000 traffic cameras. 511PA is also available through a smartphone application for iPhone and Android devices, by calling 5-1-1, or by following regional X alerts.

Subscribe to PennDOT news and traffic alerts in Allegheny, Beaver, Lawrence counties at  

Information about infrastructure in District 11, including completed work and significant projects, is available at Find PennDOT’s planned and active construction projects at

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