PennDOT District 11 is announcing a shoulder restriction on I-376 (Parkway East) in Edgewood Borough and the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, will occur Monday through Friday, March 3-7 weather permitting.

A shoulder restriction will occur on I-376 in both directions between the Squirrel Hill Tunnel and the Edgewood/Swissvale (Exit 77) interchange from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. Crews will conduct utility pole installation.

The work is part of the $95 million I-376 Commercial Street Bridge Replacement project between the Edgewood/Swissvale (Exit 77) interchange in Swissvale Borough and Squirrel Hill Tunnel in the City of Pittsburgh. This project will utilize Accelerated Bridge Construction Techniques to laterally slide the new bridge onto the existing alignment of I-376. Work will also include the installation of new overhead signage and eastbound retaining wall, lowering the westbound I-376 off-ramp to Forest Hills/Wilkinsburg Interchange (Exit 78B) to increase vertical clearance under the Parkway East, concrete median barrier replacement, sanitary sewer line relocation, upgrades to guide rail, ITS Devices, Over Height Truck Detection System, and CCTV Cameras, as well as overall site restoration for both Frick Park and the Frick Park walking trail. Motorists can expect single-lane and shoulder restrictions in each direction of I-376 on weekends and weeknights as needed through 2026. Additionally, in 2025, several overnight full closures and detours of eastbound I-376 and a full weekend closure and detour of I-376 in each direction are anticipated to occur.  In 2026, motorists can expect a 25-day full closure and detour of I-376. The overall project is anticipated to conclude in the summer of 2027. The Joseph B. Fay Company is the prime contractor.

To help keep motorists informed as work progresses, PennDOT has created an email distribution list for Parkway East traffic advisories and construction updates. Enroll by sending email addresses to  Please write “Subscribe – Parkway East” in the subject line.

Updates can also be found on the Commercial Street Bridge webpage, by following PennDOT’s regional X page @511PAPittsburgh or joining the Greater Pittsburgh Area PennDOT Facebook group.

Motorists can check conditions on more than 40,000 roadway miles, including color-coded winter conditions on 2,900 miles, by visiting 511PA, which is free and available 24 hours a day, provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information, and access to more than 1,000 traffic cameras.

511PA is also available through a smartphone application for iPhone and Android devices, by calling 5-1-1, or by following regional twitter alerts accessible on the 511PA website.

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