The Department of Public Works announced today that the Talbot Avenue ramp in Rankin will close starting at 9 a.m. on Monday, April 7, 2025. The ramp is located between the Braddock Avenue/Kenmawr Avenue/Talbot Avenue intersection and Fleet Street. Also, Kenmawr Avenue will be reduced to a single lane of traffic in each direction between Carrie Furnace Boulevard and Braddock Avenue. Those restrictions are expected to end in November 2025. They are required for the reconstruction of the Braddock Avenue/Kenmawr Avenue/Talbot Avenue intersection.

Traffic will be detoured using Braddock Avenue and Fourth Street.

The work is being done as part of the $9.3 million Braddock Avenue/Kenmawr Avenue ramp replacement project. Mosites Construction Company of Robinson is the primary construction contractor for the project.

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