The Department of Public Works announced today that Campbells Run Road will close between Newell Street and the Public Works District 2 maintenance garage in Carnegie at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. The closure, which is expected to end in September 2024, is required for construction of a retaining wall, milling and paving, drainage improvements, and installation of guide rail.
Eastbound traffic will be detoured using Boyce Road, I-376, Lydia Street, Chestnut Street, and Mansfield Boulevard. Westbound traffic will be detoured using Mansfield Boulevard, Chestnut Street, Academy Street, and I-376.
Residents who live within and near the closure area will have access to their homes at all times.
Campbells Run Road is used by an average of 14,827 drivers daily.
The $744,777 project will be done by Pugliano Construction Company, Inc., of Plum.
I’m a senior citizen. Will any part of Campbell’s run Rd will be open after June 19. I don’t drive highways. Can I get on Campbell’s run road if I come thru Rosslyn farms I go to meet friends every Friday at golden corral
Thank you for your comment and question. Campbells Run Road will be closed between Newell Street and the Public Works District 2 maintenance garage. It appears that you would be able to access Campbells Run Road from the Rosslyn Farms area. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
Will I still be able to get to Macbid from the I-376 Campbell exit?
Thank you for your question. Yes, if you are traveling the Parkway west and use the Campbells Run Road exit you will be able to access Mac Bid. The closure on Campbells Run Road is closer to Carnegie.